Monday, October 5, 2009

Fullfilling the Promise, Chapter 7

Chapter 7-The Simple, hard Truth About Teaching
  • What is essential in learners is difficult for teachers to see.
  • People learn better when they feel valued and supported.
  • Teaching is more efficient and effective when it matches learner needs.
  • It's hard to care for some of our students.
  • Learn to fall in love with what we do.

So, how does this apply to me?

I have always known that teaching is not going to be easy. Teachers literally work longer and harder then any profession, and we sill hardly even get paid. But teaching shouldn't be all about the money, teaching should be about changing the lives of our students. Teaching should be about: showing our students we truly care about them, helping our students succeed, and helping our students become who they really want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Are you READY to be overworked, undervalued, overwhelmed, underpaid... and do you feel the passion it will take to be this kind of teacher, and make these kinds of differences in kids' lives? 4 points
